Introduction Letter


This letter is the introduction of myself to professor, and contains about why social science is important. I wrote about the conditions of what is happening in the country by giving an example of Facebook comments on Rohingya issues. I explained about what make people to have the extreme points of view on this case and how it relates to social science. Of course, apart from stating some problems we are facing in my country, I included some of my hobbies and my arguments on Rohingya crisis. 

Dear Ms.Jourdain,

Being a social scientist, I could clearly see the issues which are happening in the society, and have my own opinions on them. Then, I could guide the people who are suffering from those problems to a more relivable life. It is impossible to acquire every individual in the community to know what is happening in the society. Now, at least, social scientists are able to point out the public what to care about, what is needed to be concerned or who are losing their basic rights being part of the society. 

I would like to discuss about the events that happened in recent years in my country, but the consequences are still affecting the society now. I come from Myanmar, and the de facto of country, Aung San Suu Kyi, faced the trial of the accusation of genocide on the Rohingya Muslims by the International Court of Justice. 

Even though most of the western countries believe that the Myanmar’s military had done the brutal operations on the Rohingya with the evidences, the public in Myanmar are denying those actions were happened or they accept these actions because the military had the reasons to perform. 

What made people in Myanmar strongly trust the government and support them, taking the risk of the country’s reputation, travel business and the economics with the outside world. There is no article on the journals that ever doubts the government’s act it is because people are still afraid of the military, even the country is democracy and the government is mostly voted from the democracy parties. 

People believe Aung San Suu Kyi, who is accounting for all the issues happening in the society. There is no one to explain to the public for what was happened to the Rohingya and how they are suffering, apart from the famous slogan, “we stand with you, Aung San Suu Kyi.” 

So, why does the public act in this way? What made them denying what has been happened? And, why they still support the government or the military during the trial that the country is going to fail?

As stated above, there is no one to explain the whole issue due to the military’s pressure. So, people do lack of information enough to decide which is right or wrong. Then, people conclude from what they have read on the journals or the social media. 

Honestly, the comments on the social media are way more brutal than the people comments who had been interviewing for the newspapers. Even those comments on Facebook are controlled by the fake accounts, their goal to bias the people is achieved. Next, people in the community are strongly connected, and the society is not encouraged the individual difference. 

As the young generations are taught to be listen what the elders said, and you will be punished or ashamed if you are not obey to them. The problem is not all of the elders are good or having enough qualities to lead the young ones or guiding them. 

I like to read books and watch movies, mainly from books, I like that helps me a lot to understand people, why they act like in that ways, or why they care something that is not useful to them. Finally, people in my country made the decisions on the Rohingya due to the prejudices on the minority groups. 

Sincerely yours,

Yamin Shwe Sin